February 25, 2013

Web-Surfing: Allkpop Sass... Me Gusta

In a recent article regarding the new girl group Ladies' Code, Allkpop subtly remarked:
Because K-pop doesn’t have enough girl groups, a new girl group will be entering the scene next month.

It's quite funny because if you actually read the more recent Allkpop articles, you would see the writing sounding more and more juvenile.

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1 comment:

  1. I heard that AKP used to be fairly anti-k-pop in general with quite scathing articles about the k-pop scene a few years back until they realised that it was bad for business and cleaned up their act a bit. I think a lot of staff there might be a little anti girl groups though. They certainly are never in any great hurry to clear up false rumours or debunk faked evidence where girl groups are concerned.
