July 16, 2013

Off Topic: Korean Woman Harassed & Assaulted by Foreign Men

A few hours ago I was on netizenbuzz and found a video about how foreign men were harassing a drunken Korean woman without reason, already looking at the comments and knowing there wouldn't be any good ahead.

1. [+720, -109] Make sure you watch the video ㅋㅋ The girl at first is all horny herself but once the men get a little forceful, she finally gets what's going on. This isn't a situation where the men are immediately at fault because she's just at fault for sitting there giggling because she likes foreign men. Of course, those foreigners are ba$tard trash but I'm saying that the girl isn't completely innocent either. It's because of b*tches like her that ruin Korea's image. Imagine how easily foreigners will think of Korean girls now. 
3. [+488, -56] I'm a 23 year old female. I saw this video and while the Americans do indeed piss me off, I'm more pissed off by the girl for sitting there drunk and smiling like a dog at first because she's enjoying it. Way to embarass Korea's women. What a joke you are --
4. [+73, -28] I just saw the video... Anyone can tell that the girl is at fault. She's the one that hung on to them at first because she liked them and then she became a toy for them to play with... And even foreigners know how bad plastic surgery is in Korea with the way they're mentioning it. 
3. [+948, -75] After seeing the video, I'm embarrassed that she's Korean. She's done nothing good. 

To start, this has to be one of the most disgusting videos I have seen in my life--this video more-or-less screaming 'rape'. But what I'm trying to understand here is why people are worrying more about the society and it's image rather than the woman who was basically taken advantage of. The issues portrayed through the video may be a problem, but no less attention should be paid to the comments that present an atrocious reflection of the dehumanized human race. Perhaps this is a sign of how heartless and cruel the world has become, where people are distancing themselves from the core issue at hand of abuse of women (whether is it because we can't be bothered anymore or we've 'accepted this as truth or ways of the world') and apathetically judging this scenario as though its a complete kind of joke. We don't even try to relate to the whole issue, much less empathize with the girl. Instead, we are viewing this whole video from a completely superficial stance. We question: "How does this affect Korea?" or "How does this affect me?", but why can't we question "How does this affect her?" She is the biggest stakeholder in this, and she has the most to lose, so in all due respect, perhaps we should consider this most crucially from her point of view.

Likewise, when zooming into the video, I believe that in reality, I don't actually think it matters whether she's Korean, or of any other race, because the horribly blaring societal problem reflected in the video is still shown as loudly and clearly, that gender gap in still pertinent in the world. 

What do you think of this incident? Voice your thoughts below.

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  1. "this has to be one of the most disgusting videos I have seen in my life"
    You don't watch many videos, do you?

  2. tbqh, I was actually going to give a give a heated reply then I realized you're the same person who comes back to the site, reading all the articles and simply putting money in my bank so...

    Thanks for the comment :)!

  3. a fabulous reply...truly Asian!

  4. Regarding the video: if such are the odd reactions of Korean women, who would assist the assaulted? A Vietnamese woman would not walk away without a good twist at the balls.

  5. I do agree with you, I find it ridiculous that the Koreans are more worried about how this video makes Koreans look than the actual woman in the video.
    The fact that it's foreigners that are harassing the woman in the video doesn't make any difference to me because I'm sure other Korean men also do the same thing to drunk women.
    It's ridiculous that Koreans arent pissed that one girl is being groped on by multiple guys, if this crap happened in America it's definitely a lawsuit.
    But in Korea they're more worried on how this makes them look, rediculous.

  6. Exactly, to be honest, the race isn't really a huge aspect here and rather, her getting assaulted.

    'But in Korea they're more worried on how this makes them look, rediculous.'

  7. lol xD Seems unclear to me however, she was drunk so maybe that's her excuse as to not fighting back. I mean, in the end, she flipped them off, shouted 'Fuck you!' multiple times and pushed her way out of the man's grasp, maybe there's some "fight" left in her.

  8. Disgusting behavior that happens all too often anywhere there are drunk people.

    And yeah - Koreans do seem obsessed over how they are perceived. A lot of the Asiana crash reporting inside Korea has been from the perspective of "how badly will this tarnish the image of Korean airlines"? Along with a lot of spin reporting on how the pilot's "skillful" last-second maneuver to throttle-up saved lives. And lots of suggestions of "possible" aircraft problems.

  9. 'Disgusting behavior that happens all too often anywhere there are drunk people.
    Extremely true.

    Yup! As said before, instead of worrying more about the death of the people, they worried about their image.

  10. As you know, Korea is a collective society, so they don't care about the individual, but the collective as a whole. To them, they see this one woman representing all of them, which is why they're blaming her for everything even though it's the fault of the two douchebags.

    On the other hand, here in America (where I'm assuming these guys are from), most of us don't see the actions of these two guys harming our image. We see them as two individuals who are assholes who act like this to Korean women because they couldn't get any women back in the States. They're harming their own image, not ours as a collective whole.

    In the end, it's just a matter of perspective, with neither one necessarily being "right".

  11. True, however, I wouldn't exactly condone the opposing reactions because there are still a few Koreans who seem to be worrying about the woman rather than the 'tarnishing image'... and maybe because I sympathize the attacked woman that I am so against the misogynism.

  12. This is very similar to a case that happened in the US, which literally killed my soul to see. Basically a high school girl got drunk at a party and this group of guys, two of whom were apparently very very promising football players for a mediocre high school football team in some unknown town, basically took her back from the party to some place and did all sorts of things to her as she was unconscious at that point. They took videos and photos of it...and posted it online. And the girl was criticized (oh my goodness, what slut, she totally could have gotten up and left despite her lifeless body. Oh my, she was wearing SHORTS, its not as if shorts are actually supposed to be worn despite every store selling them. Oh lord, she got drunk? At a party with alcohol?) and the case was dragged on forever because of course the guys having fun ridiculing and molesting a young girl can't be at fault when these guys have such a bright future (even though no one knew they existed). It had to be the girl. Everyone knows girls should only sit in the house and make sweaters and keep their legs closed while the boys go out and live, amirite.

    This also pisses me off because it probably has added to the whole...
    -Korean guy dates foreign girl?- Cool.
    -Korean girl dates/looks at for more than five seconds foreign guy?- Lord no, what are you doing whoring yourself out?

    ...mentality I have been told about.

  13. That's ridiculous! Tbh, I don't even want to see the video cause I get extremely disgusted with things like these!

    "-Korean guy dates foreign girl?- Cool.

    -Korean girl dates/looks at for more than five seconds foreign guy?- Lord no, what are you doing whoring yourself out?

    ...mentality I have been told about.

    Exactly! In fact, I was talking to a man who actually lives in Korea currently and he was complaining about how the women there are soooo attracted to foreign men and should like the person for their personality, not just cause they're foreigners.
    I mean, he's right to an extent but that double standard somewhat just makes me tilt my head like 'dafuq' because most native-Korean men have no problem with boasting and bragging about how they were 'riding the white horse' (sleeping with a white, foreign woman) last night whereas if women were to even mention they've been with a foreign man, it's off with their heads. Time to tie the bitch's tubes, she's been with only one man, but that's one too many.

  14. the vid is private..
