July 08, 2013

Top 10: Biggest Lies in K-Pop

Whether it's 'oppar didn't mean it!' at a massage parlor or it's 'went to see the sick friend', every passing day in K-Pop is filled with a set of new lies, some being more believable than others. Be that as it may, for this top 10, the biggest (most memorable and most used) lies of K-Pop will be unraveled and numbered from least memorable or used to most memorable or used.

Number 10
"We eat 3,000 calories a day!"

Equivalent to a whopping 5 and a half McDonald's Big Macs, Girls Generation
claimed they ate 3,000 calories of mostly junk food every single day.

Number 9
"Padding? What are you talking about? These are natural."

From grapes to boulders in simply seconds, it seems likely that these women didn't somehow JUST hit puberty... but maybe, they just hit the jackpot with coupons to Padding R Us.

Number 8
"We're not ilbe users or iljins"

While SECRET's Hyosung played dumb about the democratization claim, T-ara's Hyomin made perfect sense by saying:
"When I was in high school, there were rumors about me being an iljin. It was only because I was friends with those type of kids in my neighborhood, but I wasn't anything more than that."
So a lot (if not all) of your friends were iljins but you weren't? Okay, Hyomin. 

Number 7
"That is NOT me... even though it kind of is."
 With many of the same specific characteristics from T-ara's Jiyeon and the alleged strip-cam Jiyeon (birthmarks, bedroom set-up, etc.), it seems very likely that the 'This is NOT me!' claim is as true as anything KKS blurts from his mouth.


Number 6

"I'm a natural beauty"

The difference between this and "I didn't get plastic surgery" is that it can also somewhat apply to the
power of make-up, photoshop and everything else that makes you look better than you actually are! I mean, unless we were all naturally conceived with BB cream and different filters all over our face and body, then you could look good but probably not that good in real life.

Number 5

"I haven't kissed anyone yet"

We've all heard it at least once: an extremely good-looking idol saying "I haven't kissed anyone yet". Although some idols can actually be telling the truth, it's probably more common that when an idol says that, it's false. Whether it was in elementary school, training or even post-debut, I bet a lot of them got some smooching one way or another.

Number 4

"I'm 1,000 feet tall"

Even with insoles, I don't think it's possible for you to be as high as you say on your profile.

Number 3

"I weigh 45kg"

What's weird is that almost all female profiles say that they're 45kg. Is 45 a lucky number? Are all female K-Pop idols on some type of drugs that put them exactly at a non-vacillating 45kg?
...or are they just lying about it?
I pick the last one.

Number 2

"I didn't get plastic surgery"
Its estimated that one in five women in South Korea have gotten plastic surgery at least once... the number obviously increasing with female idols. Although maybe some surgeries aren't that obvious, others simple are inarguable.

Number 1

"I haven't dated before"

Like kissing, when an extremely good-looking idol says 'I've never dated before', it's very unbelievable.

What about you? Are there any other lies of K-Pop you'd like to point out? Comment below!

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  1. SHINeeGirlinSHINeeWorldJuly 8, 2013 at 11:58 AM

    Anything about 'ideal type' is a lie.

  2. You're right every female idol says they're between 45 to 50 kg and its freaking unrealistic and ridiculous..
    Padings and push-up brass are also widely used to the point that people know for sure that when they see a maraculous change in breast size between days you know why.

  3. Also true people say someone's their ideal type cause that's the ideal person to like at the time.

  4. The plastic surgery one seems the silliest to me since it's so easy to verify by looking at old photos. Yet almost all of them seem to deny it or dance around the issue.

    I think Lizzy from Orange Caramel is the only idol I've seen say flat-out, "Yep - I did." when asked about it.

  5. I totally agree, maybe some are true, but I guess most aren't. 'Ideal type' can also be a lie.. especially when the 'ideal type' or person is a guest on the same show as the one who was saying... : )
