September 04, 2013

Seungri admits his scandal; Grab a towel for sobs... or laughter

Better late than never, around a measly week ago, Big Bang's Seungri appeared on the live Japanese broadcasting television show Incarnation, all nice and Seungri'd up when he was put on the spot and was forced to answer the question that well... he looked like he really wanted to avoid: his Japanese scandal. As taken and translated by allkpop:

Seungri said, "I came onto the show because I thought I should let the public know about what happened during the scandal. "

"It was the first time in history that an idol became the center of a scandal like that. The magazine / tabloid I was published in is very famous. They don't even bother to talk about anyone who isn't famous. It was my first scandal, but it was so big. I was a bit scared and shocked. I think a lot of people started to think I was an adult because of that scandal."

"To be honest, I was told about it being printed in the magazine a week beforehand. It's not printed on the internet, but printed at a factory. So I couldn't stop it even if I knew."

Seungri basically pulling an IU and indirectly admitting that hell yeah, he got pussy that night because he's an adult and adult men get pussy with a side of untrimmed bush every single night. But what's still shocking to me is that wow, he literally just sat there in front of the whole world and admitted to fucking, choking, towel throwing and above all, being a cocky, unsatisfying to the partner and shitty person in bed.

Just wow.

I mean, he easily could've denied it like many other celebrities do. The woman had only a shady, blurry, grey picture of him sleeping, nothing as crucial and IU and Eunhyuk's shirtless, sweaty and sexual stuff and was basically only backed up and witnessed by her word when as far as we know, she could've been a prostitute who got high out of her mind and confused Seungri with Fat Albert when they were doing the deed, accidentally tripped into Seungri's hotel room when he was sleeping, had her phone in her hand and while trying to call her pimp, clicked the camera button and took a picture. 

But this guy literally just took it.


I could talk about it in depth but
I'm just sitting here undecided on which side to go with.

So readers, was this appearance simply for search rankings to go and easy promotion for his new album and title song, Gotta Talk to You? Or was this just a heroic, Seungri-like, awesome as hell act that should be rewarded with a choking and towel throwing ceremony while gifting the mighty Seungchan all the bushes he could dream of? 
Comment below!

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  1. No big deal. All he did was choke a woman and chuck a jizz rag at her.

    It's not like he did something really bad like get married or hang a bag of oranges out of a car window.

  2. "Seungri basically pulling an IU and indirectly admitting that hell yeah, he got pussy that night because he's an adult and adult men get pussy with a side of untrimmed bush every single night"
    ^^omg this is gold, I cant stop laughing.
    seungri really shouldn't have brought up the scandal since he couldn't exactly deny it.
