Archive for June 2014

Tuesday Talk: Taeyeon & Baekhyun. Your Thoughts?

Hopefully, I don't have to explain much. I trust that you guys, as in-sync with K-Pop as you are, know the situation already (if not, the post about it is a click away). Girls' Generation's Taeyeon and EXO-K's Baekhyun are dating. It's been confirmed by SM Entertainment. It's been talked about by Taeyeon on Instagram in which she felt remorseful for it coming out the way that it did. It's been 'Dispatch-ed', with images of even the two snoodling up in a car and kissing each other. So for all the crazies who believe it ain't so, for fuck's sake, screw your head on tighter. 

Anywho, this dating news has been getting a lot of talk lately so I want to see what you guys think about it. There's no right or wrong answer. There's no shaming or angry mobs surrounding your house if you go against the relationship or support it. 

It's all you.

Don't know whether to be sexually aroused or
 confused because of this gif.
What do you think of the Taeyeon and Baekhyun relationship? All the components: the reaction towards it, the way it came to light, the Taestagram/Baekstagram... everything.

Give me your thoughts of the relationship below.

End of the Era: Girls' Generation ft. Taeyeon & Baekhyun

Girls' Generation has gotten themselves into a whole bunch of dating rumors this year however, this one gave them their biggest blow yet. Despite all the little 'ranters' guessing that Jessica or Yuri will be the next one in Girls' Generation to come out with dating news, it was actually Girls' Generation's leader, Taeyeon, who we all thought would, if she did end up to be dating, come out with it gracefully... as she is the leader, after all. But alas! She did not! And as we all probably should know by now, her relationship with EXO-K boy, Baekhyun, gave both groups a painful blow, fans feeling betrayed (as usual) but also the general public being sickened by the lovebirds' actions, similar to INFINITE's Myungsoo casual but painful use of Twitter to communicate with his then girlfriend. Regardless, both groups are popular however, Taeyeon's group has been around for nearly a decade when Baekhyun's has been for only around three years yet with both sides getting the hate, I want to decode the reasons why people are viewing this one differently than the other Girls' Generation dating scandals.

1. This scandal busted Taeyeon's act

Remember the post I did a few months ago about how I was scared for Taeyeon's well being? She seemed like she was about to crack at any moment! On all kinds of Girls' Generation appearances, Taeyeon did not seem like her usual idol self... which is seemingly nothing different than the rest of Girls' Generation's recent behaviors as they are now starting to realize that no matter what they do, they have a group of fans who will be with them (read the article about how idols should not treat fans like crap for some reference) therefore, different from back in their debut days, they now give bored, gloomy and tiredsome faces. However, Taeyeon's was different, as she constantly complained about loneliness, making people sympathize the fact that idols were not supposed to date. But, just like Sooyoung how literally the day before her own dating news came out, she complained about how she was lonely in response to YoonA's dating news, fans felt kind of betrayed that they were fooled into thinking that she did not have a significant other and that she was getting depressed because she did not have a significant other. I mean, I actually feel a bit betrayed, too, because I usually don't even show empathy but I did for Taeyeon's case and I'm not even a Taeyeon fan! 

2. Taeyeon acted immaturely being the fact that she is the senior & Baekhyun betrayed his already betrayed group

Despite the first one being my own sentiments, this one seems to be more of the general public's feels as they believe that Taeyeon should have acted more 'maturely' for her age being that she's ten years into the music business while he's barely even touching his second. She should have taken into account that EXO is just rising in popularity and that they are still in the midst of a scandal in which people were sympathizing Baehyun for. ¿¡Why would Baekhyun, during the midst of the Krisis (Kris vs. SM Entertainment scandal), even think about doing stuff that is remotely human?! Why would Baekhyun go out and do the naughty with Taeyeon when he should be remorseful in his dorm as the public is sympathizing him and his other ten group mates and should take advantage of the situation to get more popularity and fans (this one is actually a serious question)? And why the hell make it so. damn. obvious? Taeyeon should have acted different instead of making it so obvious, different from the other girls, being that she's the leader and should be the most responsible. Taeyeon should have realized that Baekhyun's group is in a situation right now that should not have scandals towards the remaining members of the group and realize that Baekhyun is a rising star. Baekhyun should have realized that the lie about being '35 years old before dating' really hurt gullible fans being that he was the first in EXO to have such a scandal. No one was really expecting him to wait till 35 but he was the first so it put a bigger blow.

3. They messed with their fans

Taking this all from Netizenbuzz, long story short, fans feel betrayed. Instagram, by Taeyeon's definition, was a way to communicate with fans. But instead, she fooled fans and communicated with Baekhyun in numerous posts as did Baekhyun. Fans dug out a lot of places where they communicated/made their relationship obvious (summarized from the same Netizenbuzz article. The astericked ones are ones that I'm somewhat iffy about correlating to dating):

a) Baekhyun and Taeyeon's similar Instagram IDs
Baekhyun had put on his Instagram, ExO, not EXO like the others. Why? E and O in English look like the first letters of the first syllables of Taeyeon's name ㅌ and ㅇ in Korean. Because he naughty, naughty.

"I like you. Can I like you?"

b) Taeyeon's ruthless post about liking Baekhyun/being in a relationship with him.
She put that fugly doll in the picture as a distraction/excuse. She's asking if she can like him because she realizes they're both celebrities and this going to the public can ruin them both.

c) The trip for my dreams, Pikachu!
Long story short, after Kris left the group, fans made the slogan 'This is the beginning' to give the guys strength. He put the picture on Instagram of the slogan as well as, as translated by the same Netizenbuzz article, 'This is the beginning! For my dream! The trip for my dreams! Pikachu! This is the beginning!'. Fans were gullible into thinking this was starting a new and the guys found strength but in actuality, before, Taeyeon wrote 'This is my beginning now for my dream~ The trip for my dreams pikachu'. aka they dun fucked

d) Baekhyun posted 'Euri'. 
Taeyeon later posted 'Very eurieurie shikye drink! Euri #Euri'. If you don't know, Euri doesn't mean shit in Korean but it must be an inside joke for the two.

You're eating sugary snacks?! You're betraying us!
e) Taeng kyung very mang ching*
Okay, I don't really understand this one that much/correlate it with the scandal. Taeyeon received a special made Starbucks cup from her fans. For saying thanks, she said 'Taeng kyung very mang ching'. Everyone is blowing shit up since Taenggo is her nickname for fans and Baekyung is his therefore, she must be making a couple name.

f) The famous oreos*
Taeyeon posted, a day before the news, oreos. Baek means black and Hyun means white in Korean. Oreos for Baekhyun, by fans point of view... or maybe Taeyeon was just hungry for oreos.

g) Birthday se--flowers
On Baekhyun's birthday, Taeyeon posted birthday flowers as well as a heart.

h) They went to see Seohyun's musical.
Suho saw Seohyun's musical the day before, but apparently being that Taeyeon was going, Suho went again the next day with Taeyeon in clutch.

i) Taeyeon posted a picture of light.*
Taeyeon posted a picture of light when she went to the beauty salon on Instagram. We all know Baekhyun's power in EXO is light. MUST BE A CODE FOR BAEK DICK.

j) Kyahing
Kyahing means nothing, just a cute thing for Taeyeon to say to fans. However, Baekhyun was seen using Kyahing when talking to his fans on EXO's 2 year anniversary.

Though there are other more subtle reasons (fans just mad cause they're dating), these seem to be the most prominent. People are getting testy with the Taeyon and Baekhyun kissing picture (apparently, Hyori mentioned that when pictures go out to the public and the company admits to the dating, that means there are pictures far worse than revealed to the public. This has to be one of the most 'sexual' images for a idol dater to reveal... a kissing image... therefore, if they are kissing in a car and if Hyori's claim is true, who knows what more they could have done in that hot and steamy Benz?), people are feeling betrayed just because they don't like idols dating... all in all, a bunch of negativity for the two, people were also getting mad because with all the dating controversy in Girls' Generation, they felt like Taeyeon was the last source of singleness that they had left (since apparently, they don't want Seohyun, YuriSunny or Jessica). And although I would be happy and all for the two dating, there's something inside me that actually understands were the betrayed people are coming from (probably because I feel a bit betrayed, too).

Likewise, I just want to bring light on my old articles that I wrote when Tiffany's dating scandal was revealed, asking if Girls' Generation is on decline as well as my hypothesis for Girls' Generation's future and how long it would take for them to disband/who would still be famous post-disbandment. Now that this scandal broke out what do you think? Is Girls' Generation on decline and how long do they have left? Comment below and don't forget to vote!

Girls' Generation on Decline. How Long do They Have Left?

Review: PSY ft. Snoop Dogg - Hangover

After Gentleman, I gave PSY the benefit of the doubt to deliver one more awesome song that is comparable to Gangnam Style. I mean, Gentleman wasn't that bad but was obviously worse than Gangnam Style therefore, ol' PSY oppar still has some juice left to concoct a memorable, amazing, fucktastic song that promotes Korean culture and makes me less ashamed to admit that I am a Korean Pop fan to my narrow-minded peers, right? 


Wasting the second chance (I'm giving him three, his new single entitled 'Daddy' said to come out within the next few months), PSY featuring ol' Snoop Lion (more like Snoop Lion featuring ol' PSY, to be honest) released a boring, mundane, mainstream and less entertaining song than the previous two, PSY falling to rock bottom while he's trying to meet the expectations reached with Gangnam Style and no longer deserving my defensive pleas against said 'haters'. If you want to watch the trainwreck of a song, go ahead, it's right below. However, I don't advise anyone who wants to keep their ears intact to listen to this... mess.

Realistically, I'd give the unfunny music video some slack if it was accompanied by a fun song and vice-versa, however, I can't even slide in some pity slack. This was a waste of time. 

I thought it was PSY's comeback. Not Snoop Doop's. Regardless, no one took interest in whoever's song it was being that Snoop sang/rapped/basically talked the lines of the verse and PSY only basically took over the chorus, the exact opposite of the smashing American hit that is my guilty pleasure entitled Fancy, with Iggy Azalea featuring Charli XCX however, Charli XCX rightfully being the featuring artist therefore only getting the chorus while Iggy took over the verses.

Wet PSY is becoming a bit dry in comedy

The music video rightfully portrayed Korean drinking culture however, and that's the only applaud I can give to this shameful piece of shame even though it did anger some Korean citizens, blinded by the pure facts that they're reckless when it comes to the consumption of alcohol. However, it added a bit of a more American hint to it, the video, somewhat reminding me of Trey Songz's Bottoms Up in meaning and going into the large pile of mainstream songs.

The only memorable part of this? 'Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over~'. I'm not even going to mention the bend over they tack on to the end of the only good part of this song (kind of like Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines, the memorable parts outweighing the disgusting parts) because that's a whole other rant that I can go on for days about, including the new trend for American pop/rap artists to include the phrases relating to 'If yo girl don't swallow kids, man, that ho basic' (that's Juicy J and his basic ass for you) in which girls are simply objects.

Nonetheless, ol' Psyduck tried. But he failed. I mean, I'm not exactly against PSY because I mean, he is spreading culture around for eevryone but I wish that he didn't try so hard. Try a different concept for once, dammit! I suggest something a bit more slow because these dance pop songs just aren't working for you anymore, ol' buddy. Likewise, to sum, I believe that this has got to be one of PSY's worse songs and the viralness of this video is... undetermined.

What did you think of Hangover? Loved it? Hated it? Comment below and tell the reasons why you loved/hated it! Also, vote on the poll below.

PSY's Hangover. Opinions?

After School's Scandal Shows Idols Fans Aren't Shit

Better late than never, the-falling-from-their-height-after-goddess-Kahi-left group, After School, found themselves in a prolonged problem when the girls forgot to wave or acknowledge their fans during the Idol Futsal World Cup on MBC, having fans who waited hours just to simply see their faces in person (they're not even asking for much interaction, people!) being ignored and feeling rejected afterwards. Many attempts of the group members or even the agency to cover up the problem have been released in order to basically quiet down the fans and keep the group afloat (i.e. member Raina, Pledis Entertainment, even some delusional fansites). Regardless, no one is taking that shit to account and instead of being insane, many fans are either just letting go of the group because they feel as if the girls do not value them/lost their roots or doing that plus advocating revenge and shitstorm towards After School.

After School: Fooling delusional fans since 2009.

Nevertheless, though this matter does seem somewhat small, I want to take light to it because it actually should be taken into account more in the future. Something similar to this, the incident with Lee Jong Suk, an upcoming top star, happened just in March of this year, in which he simply ignored a fan who waited for hours with hopes to give her sole reason a present but he ignored her and pushed her away. Now with this incident happening, it even furthers illuminates the harsh reality for us fans that:

1) Idols are making money off of us.
2) Idols are starting to realize they are making money off of us.
3) Idols are starting to realize that the majority of us are delusional but are still a source of money.
4) Idols are becoming more cocky being that they are rich and we are ever-growingly poor (due to them) and are starting/already have began losing the care they once had for us in the beginning when they weren't as rich or known because they have grown into the mentality that we are the reason for their fat wallets.

But gladly, with this new incident, rather than the Lee Jong Suk one where people kind of just brushed it off, this one is starting to show idols that, hey, you can't treat people, especially people who make your wallets as big as they are, like crap. Fans are people, too and have feelings more matter how delusional. Even the craziest fans can turn their backs on you in an instant the second you do something wrong therefore, you must treat the people who are putting the food on your table with respect. Furthermore, it saddens me that there has not been more talk about this issue. No, not just bashing on After School, but the more in general, scheme of things. Even if we sit behind a computer screen all day looking at videos of you, they do have to realize that it is their job to not only sing, dance and act, but also to gain/withhold as many fans as you can in order to let you continue singing, dancing and acting because they make you rich.

Why has that not been implemented in idols' minds already?
That's the real question.

What are your takes on the incident? Comment below!

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