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- Review: Gain, Fxxk U
Posted by : AndiSweets
February 07, 2014

It's been almost a year since Gain's release of Romantic Spring and she's back again with her most daring comeback song yet by the name of Fxxk U featuring Bumkey. If you haven't seen the video yet, check it out below!
I feel as though there is a trigger warning necessary for the video since there are depictions of sexual assault
The Video
Theme/Story: Honestly, the first time I watched this video, I felt very uncomfortable and that's exactly what the video aims for. It depicts sexual violence in a way that is not pretty whatsoever and doesn't glorify it by any means. The video is pretty explicit about the meaning it's trying to illustrate, making it easy to comprehend for the most part. Near the end, though, I'm not sure I quite understand what the scene with the cake has to do with anything. If anyone was able to decipher it, please let me know or it will forever remain a mystery to me.
Visuals: Unlike a lot of videos, the point of this video is not to show off Gain's vast amounts of beauty. Of course, Gain has to have her trademark thick, dark eyeshadow which has always looked great on her. The darker concept fits her well and looks just plain amazing. She has a way of making dark and grimy faces look surprisingly attractive despite the focus not being on beauty whatsoever. So even though she's angry and bitter throughout most of the video, she still manages to keep it believable while magically staying behind the line that crosses into ugly anger.
The Song
The song has this sort of dizzying effect to it because of the conflicting nature of the lyrics. It goes in a full circle from the beginning where Gain bitterly sings about her partner's wandering hands then slowly escalating to a point where her and Bumkey are defending their so called love then the song finishes off with the same first two lines the song began with.
Unlike what I said with the visuals, the song doesn't aim to sound smooth and beautiful like most songs that attempt to remotely touch upon this kind of subject. At first it sounds that way because of the way the guitar instrumentals start off real calm and gentle. It has this feeling like it's spinning around but the cycle breaks for a second when they exclaim "fuck you" and the cycle repeats. I like how passionate and gritty it sounds the way they strain the "fuck you" but there are a couple of times throughout the song where it sounds more mystified and strange which doesn't really fit in well with the song.
Overall I do really like the song itself. It has an unique theme and I like the occasional harsh tones of Gain's vocals. I give props to gain Gain for covering something with a theme that not many singers and idols would dare even considering.
So what do you think? Are the lyrics and video too controversial for your tastes? Tell me in the comment section below!